Rehab Kit
The firefighter rehab system
in one clipboard.
Firefighter Rehab Manager Clipboard
The flexible, modular, sustainable, and simple emergency incident rehabilitation system:
all in one clipboard.
What is it?
This heavy-duty, legal-size clipboard is meant to survive the beating that comes with working in emergency services. It also snaps directly into our other containers with rehabilitation supplies.
- Strong clip and light that illuminates writing surface
- 12 water-resistant role cards and color-coded lanyards
- Waterproof diagram for foolproof set-up and pack-up of rehabilitation areas
- NFPA 1584-aligned, waterproof "Keep If" checklist
- 50 firefighter trackers and 25 Rehab Manager accountability sheets
- 1 Accountability tag board
Firefighter Rehab Equipment Kit
All of the equipment you need to run a rehabilitation area.

Everything you need to evaluate.
The equipment that makes implementing the flexible, modular, sustainable, and simple WearARMR emergency incident rehabilitation system easy!
Housed inside of this heavy-duty, stackable container are all of the supplies needed by evaluators in one location.
What's in the kit?
In the WearARMR system every person always knows exactly what materials they need to do their job. Why bother with bags that might lead to crushing and breaking?
- 5 large and 1 XL adult blood pressure cuffs
- 6 stethoscopes
- 6 thermometers (batteries included)
- 6 pulse oximeters (batteries included)
- 3 weatherproof clipboards with strong clips

Additional Help
We all know what it's like when you buy something in a box, take it out, and can never fit it back in again.
We've got you covered!
Just scan the QR code on the inside of the Rehab Manager Clipboard and check out our packing up guide, as well as a place to give feedback and reorder whatever you've used or are missing!
The Package Deal
We're here to help fill whatever needs your agency has!
Rehab Manager Clipboard
- Strong clip and light that illuminates writing surface
- 12 water-resistant role cards and color-coded lanyards
- Waterproof diagrams for foolproof set-up and pack-up
- 50 Firefighter trackers and 25 Rehab Manager accountability sheets
Rehab Equipment Kit
- Accountability Tag Board to interface with department's existing accountability tags
- 5 large and 1 XL adult blood pressure cuffs
- 6 stethoscopes
- 6 thermometers (batteries included)
- 6 pulse oximeters (batteries included)
- 4 weatherproof clipboards with strong clips

WearARMR 100 Training
- Introduction to the WearARMR System for firefighters and EMTs
- 30-minute training video for up to 30 agency members for 30 days.
- Covers the importance of firefighter rehab, how WearARMR works, and how to implement it at your department.
- Certification quiz with automatic certificate generation for members
- Discussion questions guide